Introduction To The Holy Rosary


The Rosary is the story of the New Testament. Through the beads, we follow the life of Mary and Jesus.

We follow Mary from the day the Archangel Gabriel came to ask her to become the Mother of Christ, to the day she was crowned Queen of Heaven.

We follow Jesus from the moment the Holy Spirit came down on Mary, through his childhood, his cruel death on the cross, the joy of Easter when he rose from the dead to the day he ascended to Heaven in glory. What a story! And it is all true.

Mary waits for your prayers. If you speak to her she always listens. She is our mother.

When you pray the Rosary, begin by telling Mary what you would like her to use your prayers for - and then think about the stories hidden in the beads.

The Rosary is such a tremendously powerful weapon against Satan, that armed with the Rosary in our hearts, and the beads in our hands, we can even stop wars. If we but knew how powerful this prayer is - we would never want to put the beads down.

Mary our Mother calls us to pray The Rosary everyday!

How To Pray The Holy Rosary


We begin the Rosary by deciding which five of the twenty mysteries that we wish to call to mind as we recite the Holy Rosary. It is usual to recite certain mysteries during your Rosary on specific days. As the pictures below show.


To be recited on Mondays and Saturdays.

  • 1st Joyful Mystery - The Annunciation
  • 2nd Joyful Mystery - The Visitation
  • 3rd Joyful Mystery - The Birth of Jesus
  • 4th Joyful Mystery - The Presentation
  • 5th Joyful Mystery - Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple


To be recited on Wednesdays and Sundays.

  • 1st Glorious Mystery - The Resurrection
  • 2nd Glorious Mystery - The Ascension
  • 3rd Glorious Mystery - Descent Of The Holy Spirit
  • 4th Glorious Mystery - The Assumption
  • 5th Glorious Mystery - The Coronation


To be recited on Thursdays.

  • 1st Mystery of Light - Christ's Baptism In The Jordan
  • 2nd Mystery of Light - Christ's Self Revelation At The Marriage of Cana
  • 3rd Mystery of Light - Christ's Proclamation Of The Kingdom Of God With His Call To Conversion
  • 4th Mystery of Light - Christ's Transfiguration
  • 5th Mystery of Light - Christ's Institution Of The Eucharist


To be recited on Tuesdays and Fridays.

  • 1st Sorrowful Mystery - The Agony In The Garden
  • 2nd Sorrowful Mystery - The Scourging At The Pillar
  • 3rd Sorrowful Mystery - Crowning With Thorns
  • 4th Sorrowful Mystery - Carrying Of The Cross
  • 5th Sorrowful Mystery - The Crucifixion

We begin praying the Rosary by calling to mind what we want Mary our Mother to assist us with - that is what we want Mary to use our prayers for.

Then, holding the cross on our beads, we say the Sign of the Cross, followed by the Apostles Creed. The next bead we say an Our Father. On the next three beads we say a Hail Mary for faith, hope and charity. On the last bead we say a Glory Be.


Obtaining a set of Rosary beads like
these can help you recite the Holy Rosary.
Be sure to ask your parish priest to
bless them.

For each of the five mysteries we first reflect on it in our hearts and minds. We then recite an Our Father, followed by ten Hail Marys, a Glory Be and the Fatima pray. It is important to take the time to reflect on the given mystery as we say these prayers and to say them slowly and reverently.

Once we have completed this we recite the Hail Holy Queen.

During these troubling times we can also say the following optional prayers. The prayer to Saint Michael Archangel, The Memorare and The Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The extra prayers are very powerful and would be a great compliment to your daily prayer of the Holy Rosary.